I'm really tired
The thing about Mitchell kinda sucks
"We are the pirates who don't do anything. We just stay home and lie around, and if you ask us to do anything we'll just tell you we don't do anything" "and I've never plucked a rooster and I'm not to great a ping-pong and I"ve never thrown my mashed potaters up against a wall, and I've never kissed a chipmunk and I've never gotten headlice and I've never been to Boston in the fall. 'cause we're the pirates who don't do anything we just stay home and lie around. and if you ask us to do anything we'll just tell you we don't do anything."
Ya know, one day I'd like to own a set of bagpipes. Not to play, just because they're cool.
TASMAD has weird games, I don't want to participate because I don't like being touched.
Some cats deserve to be called stupid
My dad died, and I don't remember him
Finding Nemo sucked.
Haha! I'm taller than Paden
Lord the rings is over rated and stale
Wallace & Gromit is extremely underrated, don't you think?
Your Mother
Junior high boys pose for team pictures with managers and coaches. Photo by Kinslea Glanville
Football players line up for beginning play. Photo by Kinslea Glanville
Ava Wilson sets to number 30 Bella Murphy as number nine Emma Mourousas watches. Photo by Linda Drake
Homecoming candidates standing for group photo. Photo by Karen Vandegrift
From left to right, Jason Palenske, Chance O'Brien, Roy Van Sickle, Ryan Schroer,  Andrea Eidman, Ryan Kohlmeier, Dave Anderson, Justin Nurnberg, Doug Jones, Derrick Budke, Selma Keller, and Gene Eidman are being honored for hero night. Photo by Karen Vandegrift